Chord Gitar

Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Wild Side of Life Oleh Hank Thompson


Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Wild Side of Life Oleh Hank Thompson

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You wouldn’t read my letter if I wrote you,
You’ve asked me not to call you on the phone.
But there’s something I’m wanting to tell you,
So I wrote it in the words of this song.

I didn’t know god made honky tonk angels,
I might have known you’d never make a wife.
You gave up the only one that ever loved you,
and went back to the wild side of life.

The glamour of the gay night life had lured you,
to the places where the wine and liquor flow.
Where you’re waiting to be anybody’s baby,
and give up the only love you’ll ever know

repeat chorus… last 2 lines twice… (I like too go up on last time
like this)
You gave up the only one that ever loved you,
and went back to the wild side of life.

I play my A7 as a normal A and hold the high E string at the 3rd fret.

Chord lagu Wild Side of Life punya ritme dan masuk dalam album Songs of the Brazos Valley (1955).
Di website ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Jangan lupa selalu latihan untuk mainin gitar lagu Wild Side of Life. Awal-awal mungkin susah, semoga setelah terbiasa, nanti kamu bisa menguasai semua lagu Hank Thompson

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