Condederate Railroad – When He Was My Age
He worked all week for a ha
rd day’s pay,
Walked to school five miles
one way,
It must have rained everyd
ay, when he was my ag
He quit school early to hel
p grandpa,
He was one man short on a c
ross-cut saw,
There was wood to cut and ground t
o rake, when he was my
By the time he turned twelve in t
He’d been through hell in Hoover
Drank his first home-made wine, and started to sh
The tails get taller ever
ytime theyre told,
The fish get longer as he
grows old,
He loves to talk about good ol’ d
ays, when he was my ag
He was sixty pounds lighter with a he
adfull of hair,
A dollar in his tank could take h
im anywhere,
But nine o’clock was comin in lat
e, when he was my a
He talks about the time the dodge
rs called,
He could have played pro
But he had me to rai
se, when he was my ag
By the time he turned twelve in t
He’d been through hell in Hoover
Drank his first home-made wine, and started to sh
The tails get taller ever
ytime theyre told,
The fish get longer as he
grows old,
He loves to talk about good ol’ d
ays, when he was my ag
When he was my age, he’d
had alot more li
vin left to do,
But hard work and hard ti
me, had robbed h
im of his yo
He says it seems like yes
terday, when he was my ag
When he was my age.
When he was my age.
When he was my age….