Chord Gitar

Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Surfin’ USA Oleh Leif Garrett


Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Surfin’ USA Oleh Leif Garrett

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Surfin’ USA:Leif Garrett.
#20 on BB Hot 100 on ATLANTIC
Records in 1977.
(Cover of Beach Boy’s 60’s hit.)


If everybody had an ocean across the U.S.A..
then everybody’d be surfin like Californ-i-a.
You’d see ’em wearin’ their baggies..Huarachi sandals, too.
A-bushy, bushy, blonde hairdo…Surfin’ U.S.A.

You’ll catch em surfin’ at Del Mar…Ventura County Line..
Santa Cruz and Trestles…Australia’s Narabine.
All over Manhattan, and down Doheny way.
Everybody’s gone surfin’..Surfin U.S.A.
( Tab from: )
We’ll all be plannin’ out a route…we’re gonna take real soon.
We’re waxin’ down our surfboards..we can’t wait for June.
We’ll all be gone for the summer..we’re on safari to stay.
Tell the teacher we’re surfin’..Surfin U.S.A.

At Haggartys and Swamis…Pacific Palisades.
San Onofre and Sunset…Redondo Beach, L.A.
All over La Jolla, and Waimea Bay.
Everybody’s gone surfin’..Surfin U.S.A.


Everybody’s gone surfin’..Surfin U.S.A.
Everybody’s gone surfin’..Surfin U.S.A.
Everybody’s gone surfin’..Surfin U.S.A. (Fade.)

A sixties/seventies smash from Kraziekhat.

Chord lagu Surfin’ USA punya ritme dan masuk dalam album Leif Garrett (1977).
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