Dm N.C Dm Bb A
Wake up look around e
verybody’s dead living
in this town
But we’re br
ight and young and we don’t care
‘Cause w
e know that we’re gonna get
out of here
It’s their f
ate their luck it’s where they belong
They d
rag themselves around with the s
ame old song
hought they’d get a bite out of me
fkin’ up the cards and my de
I always thought I was different from the bu
Now all I can think about is ea
ting you for lu
I am the living dead a s
ingle thought floating in my head
I got a hunger growing deep inside it’s a
live it’s al
I am the living dead a s
ingle thought floating in my head
I got a hunger growing deep inside it’s a
live it’s al
Now I know it could be worse but is a zom
ibied humanity re
ally a curse?
No fear I’m already dead ne
ver have to worry about who’s
in my bed
Or friends a job it’s all obsolete the o
nly thing that matters is w
hat I will eat
Blood brains the Holy Grail I got my ey
e and it’s focused and I’m n
ot gonna fail
I always thought I was special but I’m n
I’m nothing but another piece of meat ma
king up the
I am the living dead a s
ingle thought floating in my head
I got a hunger growing deep inside it’s a
live it’s al
I am the living dead a s
ingle thought floating in my head
I got a hunger growing deep inside it’s a
live it’s al
There was a ti
me I
was al
ive now gone
are the good o
ld days
I had my drea
ms bu
t so it se
ems that li
ving was
just a
I am the living dead
I am the living dead
I am the living dead
I am the living dead a s
ingle thought floating in my head
I got a hunger growing deep inside it’s a
live it’s al
I am the living dead a s
ingle thought floating in my head
I got a hunger growing deep inside it’s a
live it’s al
I am the living dead a s
ingle thought floating in my head
I got a hunger growing deep inside it’s a
live it’s al
end on Dm