Chord Gitar

Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu House of Blue Lights Oleh Asleep at the Wheel


Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu House of Blue Lights Oleh Asleep at the Wheel

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#”House Of Blue Lights” by Asleep At The Wheel
#From the album “Swing Time”
#I noticed that there wasn’t much Asleep At The Wheel stuff on the net so
#here is “House Of Blue Lights” it is a western swing
(Verse 1)
Lace up your boots and we’ll truck on down
To a knocked out shack on the edge of town
There’s an eight beat combo that just won’t quit
Keep a-walking’ ’til ya see a blue light lit
Fall in there and we’ll see some sights
Down at the house, the house, the house of blue lights
There’s fryers, broilers, and Detroit bar-b-que ribs
But the treat of the treat
Is when they serve up those fine egg beats
You’ll wanna spend the rest of your nights
Down at the house, the house, the house of blue lights
(Verse 2 – Same Chords)
We’ll have a time and we’ll cut some rug
While we dig those tunes like they should be dug
It’s a real homecoming’ for all those cats
Just boogie past the welcome mat
Fall in there and we’ll see some sights
Down at the house, the house, the house of blue lights
Verse1 – Half Step Up F# B C#7
Verse 2 – Half Step Up G C D7
Lee Marshall

Chord lagu House of Blue Lights punya ritme dan masuk dalam album 10 (1987).
Di website ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

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