Chord Gitar

Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Heroes and Villains Oleh The Beach Boys


Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Heroes and Villains Oleh The Beach Boys

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#Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 02:48:11 -0400
#From: “John Deacon”
#Subject: b/beach_boys/heroes_and_villains.crd
#Song Title: ‘Heroes and Villains’
#Artist: Beach Boys
#Written: by Brian Wilson/Van Dyke Parks
#Transcibed: by Andrew Bee. (
#Album version.
#Note: I’m suprised no one has attempted to post a chord tab for Heroes and
#Villains. A follow up to ‘Good Vibrations’, some may say this doesn’t quite
#make the grade. Despite this, the strange lyrics and vocal arrangements once
#again show Brians creativity.
#I’ve attempted to do what I think sounds good, so just bear with me if it’s
#not perfect. I got the chords for the Chorus via the bass notes. “|”
#represents bar.
#VERSE: | Db | Db | Db | Db | Eb | Eb |
#Lryic:’I’ve been…………………,long time
# | Ab | Ab | Ab | Ab | Db | Db |
# Feel in love……………..and villains’
#Repeat Verse pattern again for Verse II: “Once at night..’
#At the end of the second verse, when playing Db, the vocals go higher to the
#Ab7 chord.
#CHORUS: | Ebm | Ebm | Ebm | Ebm |
# “Hero and Villains………..done”
# | Ab | Ab | Ab | Ab |
# “bap ba ba ba ba……..”
# | Ebm | Ebm | Ebm | Ebm |
# “Hero and Villains………..done”
# | Ab | Ab | Ab | Ab |
# “bap ba ba ba ba……..”
# | Bb7 | Bb7 | Ab —>
# “bap ba ba ba…
#Verse III; Repeat verse pattern. ‘Na na na…..Shall be Peace in the
#After this there is a vocal arrangement, where most instruments drop out,
#the chords are the same as verse. The chord at the end agian moves to Ab7.
#No more chords, only vocal ones, until the Chorus comes in. But try this out
#for this next part of the song. Suited for the bass guitar.




“My Children……rise……..…..wealthy and..

a----4----6-----------------------------6-(hold note)

Wise..…..…..…..(tempo starts to slow)

‘I’ve been in this town’ section….no chords.

Repeat Chorus till fade out.

There you have it! Playing the song in D is much easier, as done in live

Any suggestions, problems, comments, improvements,- you name it- e-mail me
at ‘’.
Andrew BEE.

Chord lagu Heroes and Villains punya ritme dan masuk dalam album Smiley Smile (1967).
Di website ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Jangan lupa selalu latihan untuk mainin gitar lagu Heroes and Villains. Awal-awal mungkin susah, semoga setelah terbiasa, nanti kamu bisa menguasai semua lagu The Beach Boys

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