It’s almost Christmas
Everyone is wishing for everything th
ey always wanted
And a beau
tiful, shiny winter wonderland
It’s too ea
sy to get temped
Cinnamon cider, sparkling diamonds
Presents too big for the tree
So much shopping, there’s no time left
For my friends and my family
Maybe we worry
too much about wishing
And no
t enough about giving
Cause some people h
ave nothing at all
Giving is priceless
Random acts of kindness
Remember the homeless
Cause this is Christmas
Give hope to the hopeless
Love to the loveless
Remind us to be selfless
Cause this is Christmas
So h
ere’s my happy Christmas
to you
(Happy Christmas)
Here’s my happy Christmas
to you
So l
ets just spend some time together
And be grat
eful that we’re safe and warm
That our house
is filled with songs and laughter
We ga
ther by the fire making s’mores
caring and sharing
All of the good things
Not taking anyth
ing for granted
That we have
Giving is priceless
Random acts of kindness
Remember the homeless
Cause this is Christmas
Give hope to the hopeless
Love to the loveless
Remind us to be selfless
Cause this is Christmas
So h
ere’s my happy Christmas
to you
(Happy Christmas)
Here’s my happy Christmas
to you
I remember Christmas day
We go run outside and play
Angels in the snow, snow fight, snowman
Skating on the ice holding grandpa hand
I’m just asking for one day
Let’s keep making memories
Can we stay home together, please?
By the Christmas tree
Giving is priceless
Random acts of kindness
Remember the homeless
Cause this is Christmas
Give hope to the hopeless
Love to the loveless
Remind us to be selfless
Cause this is Christmas
So h
ere’s my happy Christmas
to you
(Happy Christmas)
Here’s my happy Christmas
to you
So h
ere’s my happy Christmas
to you