Gal on her screen
Some kind of tune she never s
That give’s you the girl who abandoned her d
Open your phone, say hi to the be
Spirit is burning, to hear it for the g
irls again
So com
plex and brave!
A power I know without showing some l
Give her a rose, not just sexual th
When you gotta rejuve, said it be right a
And it came in anew, blame it on the gi
rls again
It’s a str
ange kind of plot,
Who steps and pa
ves the Golden way?
With your h
umor that is known, put me, p
ut me in my place
If it we
ren’t so tricky, h
ow we know what to s
My gal you’re so strong,
You should h
old your head above them
And you n
eed not ask for much to get my pr
Golden G
al on her screen
Some kind of tune she never s
That give’s you the girl who abandoned her d
Open your phone, say hi to the be
Spirit is burning, to hear it for the g
irls again
Let me dr
ess up like a Golden Gal and ha
ve my Golden day
Let me wa
tch the mark of man who’s thrown out tab
leside and grace
I can o
nly dream of h
ow I’d be so am
The gals were right on,
When she ne
eded lies to fall on,
And for a
ll of this and more I give them pr
(“Flytrap!”) (Keyboard solo)
You’d think the gal should feel so comf
ortable these days,
But sexy genders bring some tro
ubles to the fray,
And trouble tears apart
Another Golden heart
So I w
ant to be the reminder that she’s str
onger than the (b
ull, all
of the d
(Golden Gal!)
Gave me my strength,
She said i’ll
be here for you later boy,
Now r
un along, you h
ave to f
(Golden Gal!)
Gave me my faith,
And all it t
ook was some belief,
I don’t be
lieve that she should ch
ange at
(Golden Gal!)
Taught me restraint,
She said, I wo
uldn’t be more much later, dude,
I’m your ever
ything and n
ow you’re t
(Golden Gal!)
I’ll be beside her,
I might w
ant to stand in line to find,
The k
ind of mind she c
an’t r
You’d think the gal should feel so comf
ortable these days,
But sexy genders bring some tro
ubles to the fray,
And trouble tears apart
Another Golden heart
So I w
ant to be the reminder that she’s str
onger than the (b
ull, all
of the d
(Golden Gal!)
Gave me my strength,
She said i’ll
be here for you later boy,
Now r
un along, you h
ave to f
(Golden Gal!)
Gave me my faith,
And all it t
ook was some belief,
I don’t be
lieve that she should ch
ange at
(Golden Gal!)
Taught me restraint,
She said, I wo
uldn’t be more much later, dude,
I’m your ever
ything and n
ow you’re t
(Golden Gal!)
I’ll be beside her,
I might w
ant to stand in line to find,
The k
ind of mind she c
an’t r
Here for a while I’ll follow my Golden G