You shed draconian love
you shed draconian 2x
Welcome to your way seemingly
endless as I take your wings
world through caleidoscope eyes untill you
unlearn what you keep inside
Those innocent eyes refracting the
light for a never-sang song
Till the
cold horizon gonna wait its turn
wait its turn no more
Tell me how should I em
brace like roses
we’ll wither on the vine
Why should I
bide my time If it
flies away sometime
Where are you now?
Where are you now? Leaving me
down here Lost in the waves? Hey, hey, hey
When will God ex
plain This Draconian
love You shed draconian love 2x
Where do I go?
Where are you now? Selling me
love Through fiery rain, Angel
When will you ex
plain this Draconian
love It’s all Draconian love 2x
Infiltrate us with mercy Bait us with
sympathy Blind us with love
lost in the clouds walking by But some of us
rain Into what they feel
Like a grain of nothing I feel cast to the
wind Of a feeling good breeze
Of an
onward cause Of an unborn will What
ever that may mean
Tell me how should I em
brace like roses we’ll w
ither on the vine
Tell me why should I
bide my time If it
flies away sometime
Where are you now?
Where are you now? Leaving me
down here Lost in the waves? Hey, hey, hey
When will God ex
plain This Draconian
love You shed draconian love 2x
Where do I go?
Where are you now? Selling me
love Through fiery rain, Angel
When will you ex
plain this Draconian
love It’s all Draconian love 2x
Aspiration and
tears Heartache and f
ears – Draconian love You shed draconian love
love Down on my
knees – Draconian
love It’s all draconian
Where are you now?
Where are you now? Leaving me
down here Lost in the waves?
When will God ex
plain This Draconian
Where are you now? W
here are you now? Leaving me d
own here Lost in the waves? Hey, hey, hey
When will God exp
lain This Draconian lo
ve You shed draconian love 2x
Where do I go? W
here are you now? Selling me l
ove Through fiery rain, Angel
When will you ex
plain this Draconian l
ove It’s all Draconian love 2x
(a cappella)
Where do I go?
Where are you now?
Selling me love
Through fiery rain